Podbite is for Podcasters

Sometimes you just need to get those mic-dropping moments out there.

Video clips and audiograms are great for video content that gets attention, but whether you're getting 100 or 1000 views, those numbers aren't going to show up on your podcast hosting platform or analytics provider.

Podbites play back using the links from your podcast feed, so when a listener hits play, those listens will count the way they would if they were listening on any other podcast app and you'll have stronger numbers to show potential sponsors and advertisers.

What can you showcase?

  • Create bites of your quotables or sound-bites that convey the best parts of your episodes.

  • Curate playlists to demonstrate yours or your guests' knowledge on different topics.

  • Sit on the hosting side of the mic? Let potential guests hear the essence of your style and how you put them at ease.

  • Create bites of your own appearances on other podcasts that convey your knowledge and insights.

How can you use bites and playlists?

Podbite allows you to repurpose the content from your episodes.

  • Share the Podbite-generated social cards of your bites and playlists as additional content you can add to your social media content calendar.

  • Post bites or playlists on social media and direct your audience to the best parts of an episode or interview. Your audience can also can play bites and playlists natively from within Mastodon and X.

  • Use the embed feature to add bites as supplementary content to show notes, or blogs and newsletters that you write on any platform that supports iframe embeds. For those that don't, use the social cards and link the images to the bites.

  • Use your curated playlists as an outline for creating new episode content. Speed up the process of creating themed or best of episodes.

  • Advanced: Connect your personal Podbite RSS feeds to automation tools like Make or Zapier to automatically post your bites and playlists to your website or social media.

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